Daily UI Challenge
These one hundred user interface design prompts gave me an opportunity to further familiarize myself with using different software for design and prototyping. It taught me discipline, workflow best practices, and provided creative freedom to work on ideas that I may not encounter otherwise.
Having a short deadline and no knowledge of the users, I know that some of these designs may not be the most practical. However, this project kept me learning and practicing different designs. I became more efficient and confident in approaching new user interface prompts.

Day 1: Sign Up

Day 2: Credit Card Checkout

Day 3: Landing Page, Above the Fold

Day 4: Calculator

Day 5: App Icon

Day 6: User Profile

Day 7: Settings

Day 8: 404 Page

Day 9: Music Player

Day 10: Social Share

Day 11: Flash Message, Success and Error

Day 12: E-Commerce Shop, Single Item

Day 13: Direct Messaging

Day 14: Countdown Timer

Day 15: On/Off Switch

Day 16: Pop-Up Overlay

Day 17: Email Receipt

Day 18: Analytics Chart

Day 19: Leaderboard

Day 20: Location Tracker

Day 21: Home Monitoring Dashboard

Day 22: Search

Day 23: Onboarding

Day 24: Boarding Pass

Day 25: TV App

Day 26: Subscribe

Day 27: Dropdown

Day 28: Contact Us

Day 29: Map

Day 30: Pricing

Day 31: File Upload

Day 32: Crowdfunding Campaign

Day 33: Customize Product

Day 34: Car Interface

Day 35: Blog Post

Day 36: Special Offer

Day 37: Weather

Day 38: Calendar

Day 39: Testimonials

40 - Recipe

Day 41: Workout Tracker

Day 42: To-Do List

Day 43: Food/Drink Menu

Day 44: Favorites

Day 45: Info Card

Day 46: Invoice

Day 47: Activity Log

Day 48: Coming Soon

Day 49: Notifications

Day 50: Job Listing

Day 51: Press Page

Day 52: Logo Design

Day 53: Header Navigation

Day 54: Confirmation

Day 55: Icon Set

Day 56: Breadcrumbs

Day 57: Video Player

Day 58: Shopping Cart

Day 59: Background Pattern

Day 60: Color Picker

Day 61: Redeem Coupon

Day 62: Workout of the Day

Day 63 - Best of 2015

Day 64 - Select User Type

065 - Notes Widget

Day 66 - Statistics

Day 67 - Hotel Booking

Day 68 - Flight Search

Day 69 - Trending

Day 70 - Event Listing

Day 71 - Schedule

072 - Image Slider

Day 73 - Virtual Reality

Day 74 - Download App

Day 75 - Pre-Order

Day 76 - Loading

Day 77 - Thank You

Day 78 - Invitation Pending

Day 79 - Itinerary

Day 80 - Date Picker

Day 81 - Status Update

Day 82 - Form

Day 83 - Button

Day 84 - Badge

Day 85 - Pagination

Day 86 - Progress Bar

Day 87 - Tooltip

Day 88 - Avatar

Day 89 - Terms of Service

Day 90 - Create New

Day 91 - Curated For You

Day 92 - FAQ

Day 93 - Splash Screen

Day 94 - News

Day 95 - Product Tour

Day 96 - Currently In-Stock

Day 97 - Giveaway

Day 98 - Advertisement

Day 99 - Categories